I'm a Houdini Artist with a focus on dynamic FX and procedural systems. I'm based in Potsdam, Germany - a lovely city close to the vibrant Berlin.
I also have some look-dev experience with Houdini and Mantra and can provide compositings with Nuke communicating my idea.
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I'm interested in how and why things work the way they do.
Having this technical side I like creating new assets/tools that generate interesting visuals, automate repetitive tasks and simplify workflows.
Around SideFX's Houdini as my main software I'm using Nuke to precomp and present my work and I know my way around Maya. I mostly render with Mantra but am also familiar with Arnold for Houdini.
I'm currently looking into exploring realtime software such as Embergen and Unreal Engine.
Within Houdini I'm using a lot of VEX scripting, some Python to build tools and I want to start learning C++ and openCL.